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Time for love again (A Kenndys Special)

2022-03-29 01:00:04

I wrote this story, Kiki liked it so much, she bought the rights and made it into a video. I got credit for the story, and for being science advisor. I wrote some interesting equations on the board in the lab scenes, we'll see if anyone notices.

Kiki asked me, "What do you want for your birthday?"

That was simple to answer, "Sex."

So she asked, "Don't you get enough sex?"

A reasonable question I suppose, but I didn't answer it directly, "Maybe." I said sort of self consciously. I do get a lot of sex, there's Kiki of course, though we'd have more if we lived in the same City. There's my part time job at her porn production company, my job is to entertain the ladies in the office. There's her porn star friends who like to drop by for a piece of me, so all in all, I do get a lot of sex.

She saw what I was thinking, "But they'd take away your man card if you admitted to that?" I nodded at that. So she changed her tack, "Is there any sex that you haven't done, but would like to?"

That was a tough question, I'd done a lot of things since taking up with Kiki, it wasn't me who usually came up with the ideas, I just went along with whatever someone else suggested. A thought did pop into my mind, "Miss Greenway."

"Who?" Asked Kiki.

"Miss Greenway, my eight grade English teacher." I looked away and blushed, so of course Kiki wanted to know more. I'd had a bit of a crush on her, but she moved away at the end of eighth grade, so I never saw her again. I had imagined a lot I could do with her in my fantasies. Kiki, of course, wanted to know all about those, I even found an old picture I'd taken of her, in which Miss Greenway was wearing a long purple dress.

I wanted to change the subject, so when another idea popped into my head, I blurted out, "A threesome with you and Kennedy."


Kiki got lost by my sudden change of subject, so I expanded on my idea, "What I'd like to do, would be to have a threesome with you and Kennedy. I'm sure Kennedy would have lots of ideas about that." That's not a very practical idea on my part, Kiki and Kennedy are the same person after all, they just never seem like it to me, Kennedy is sort of my mistress, and my dominatrix, as played by Kiki. That at least stopped the questioning about Miss Greenway, the conversation faltered at that point, but I'd gotten a hard on thinking of Miss Greenway and Kennedy and Kiki, so we had something else to do instead.

I woke up and Kiki was there, kneeling on the bed, naked of course, looking expectant. Before I could think what she might be expecting, she proffered and envelope to me, it had just my name handwritten on the front. I opened it, and inside was a card, on the front was a caricature of a curvy female outline and the sentiment, "I love you with all of my boobs. Happy Birthday."

When I laughed, she juggled her boobs, then leant over so I could play with them. That's a nice way to wake up on your birthday. However, she stopped me after a little while, and got up, she said, "I've got something else for you." Then walked out of the bedroom.

I lay there naked, and hard, thinking I was going to like this, when Kennedy walked into the room. She was in her dominatrix outfit, just the leather jacket, swagger and horsewhip. She was holding the leash, I guessed she was going to fit the collar to me, I'm sure I'd have grown harder in anticipation if that had been possible. She pointed to the floor with the whip. I jumped off the bed and took up my usual kneeling position.

That's when I noticed she wasn't just holding the leash, it was attached to the collar, and that was around Kiki's neck. Kiki was crawling along behind on the leash, she was wearing just the white leather mini skirt I liked so much. Wow! Kiki had gone all out to do this scene, I assumed she'd found a look-alike. I stared at both of them briefly, and I couldn't say which the real one was, and which the lookalike was.

There was a laugh, a weird distorted laugh. Then Kennedy said in a distorted voice, "Can't tell can you?" She was holding something to her mouth, a voice changer I assumed so I couldn't hear if she was the real one or not.

Kennedy dragged Kiki by the leash so she was kneeling next to me. Kennedy swished the whip a few times, you could hear it swoosh through the air. She announced to the room in general, "I've always wanted to use this properly." Even though I'd bought it for her as a birthday present, I'd never let Kennedy use that whip on me, it was just too painful, it stung like a motherfucker. It made me remember my safeword in a hurry when she did use it.

However, she declared, "Today, I am." There was a dramatic pause, as I wondered what her plot was, then she revealed it. "I'm going to whip one of you two, and you decide which one!" She flourished the whip and pointed it at me, I wasn't sure what she was getting at, so I looked blankly back at her. So she expanded, "I'm going to flay one of your butts, you!" She pointed the whip at me, "Decide if it's you, or her." Pointing at Kiki, "Who gets the whipping. You can be the hero and save her from the pain."

So that was the plot, get me to drop myself in it, only this time I had extra motivation, I got to save Kiki. I got to play the knight in shining armor, and save the helpless damsel in distress. Something like that any way. I was just about to volunteer, when she added, "If I started on you and you can't go through with it, then she gets it anyway." That effectively removed the safeword from the equation. It'd be pointless to get us both whipped. If I'd been thinking about this, I might have thought that Kiki might like to be whipped, she's like that. I just can never stand to see her in pain, so having Kiki whipped might be worse than getting it myself.

Whatever the psychological reasoning, I was getting real turned on by all this. By the dominant Kennedy, the threat of real pain, and playing the hero. I rose up to my most heroic pose possible, while kneeling, looked Kennedy in the eye, and said quietly, and rather breathlessly, "Whip me."

She smiled at me, played the whip around my dick and balls, the usual way she intimidated me with the whip. For once I wasn't frightened, I was protecting Kiki, I couldn't be frightened. She cackled, rather manically, she was getting into this scene, she exclaimed, "Damn! I should have upped the stakes, here would have been better." I lived in fear (which turned me on), that Kennedy would whip my balls with that horse whip. As much as the idea turned me on, I just couldn't imagine how bad that would be. What if she'd made the proposition whipping on the balls, I don't know if I'd have volunteered or not, now we'll never know.

She again suddenly changed tack, and whipped Kiki on the shoulder. Kiki flinched, and Kennedy commanded, "Get the stuff." Kiki crawled off to the closet, where the bondage gear was kept and crawled back, pushing the box. Kennedy then used some of the velcro cuffs to tie Kiki to the bed. So she was sitting against the headboard, with a wrist was tied to each side, splaying her. She had me lie across the bed, with my ass hanging off the side, then cuffed me and attached them to the bed.

Kennedy cackled again, rubbed the whip over my ass, and announced, "Twenty strokes!" This was going to be bad, but was motivated to endure it for Kiki's sake. It was bad, "One … Two … Three …" really bad, if it weren't for the threat to Kiki, I'd have used my safeword by now. "Four … Five …" Something weird started happening, sort of like the trance I got into sometimes, entertaining a lot of ladies.

The memory gets hazy now, I don't remember what happened next, but then Kennedy was undoing my cuffs. Then, it was like something burst inside me, I felt totally happy, ecstatic. I lunged forward and grabbed Kennedy around the thighs, and said, "Thank you, thank you." I really meant it; it was weird.

However, another whip on the butt brought me back to reality, Ow! That thing really does sting like a motherfucker. Kennedy turned me over so I was on my back, then jumped on my face. She was real turned on, and my face was the most convenient way to do something about that. I love it when she does that, but I was still out of it after the weirdness earlier, so I don't remember much about it. Kennedy came quickly enough though, I don't think I can claim much credit for that.

Then, she swapped me and Kiki, I was tied to the bed, and Kennedy sat on the edge of the bed, while Kiki went down on her. God, that was hot, my hard on was threatening to burst. After Kennedy came, she looked over to me, saw the hard on, then reached up to undo a cuff, then signaled down to Kiki. She wanted me to fuck Kiki, so I undid the other cuff, got off the bed, and knelt behind Kiki. I knew Kiki was going to be really turned on, so I didn't even bother checking she was ready, I just shoved my dick into her, and pounded away.

That put Kiki off of going down on Kennedy, so Kennedy swatted Kiki on the shoulder to remind her what she was supposed to be doing. In short order, Kennedy came, Kiki came, and that seemed like a good time for me to come. Me and Kiki ended up on a heap on the floor. Eventually Kennedy stirred, and tugged Kiki's leash and left the room.

I climbed back on the bed and resumed being a heap. A little while later I heard the shower, and soon a damp Kiki came and hugged me. Then she said, "I had planned to show you this before, but the plans changed." I wasn't sure what she was getting at, but she clicked on the TV and a video started playing. It was one of Kiki's productions, called "Time for Love Again," and staring Kiki. She quite often showed me her new productions.

This one had a lame plot, there was a scientist called "Matt," who seemed to be pattered on me, he invented a time machine. Matt was played by Rod, but he wore glasses to show he was a serious scientist. I thought his tattoos kinda spoiled that illusion. Kiki played a character much like herself, scientist (with glasses) by day and stripper by night, Matt's lover. Kiki's history as a scientist before starting the porn company was well known, she always went by "Dr Kiki Kennedy." The first scenes established their relationship, which was a lot like ours, including the dominatrix version of Kiki, much like us.

Once Matt had invented the time machine, they used it for their own ends. The first one looked very familiar, a threesome between Matt, and two Kiki's. They sent Kiki back in time, where she became the dominatrix, and they had a scene a lot like the one we just had. Kiki's dialog was word for word what Kennedy had said, at least my reactions were different than the ones on screen, if that had been accurate, I'd have been freaked out.

The last scene in the film was the gangbang and triple penetration scene. They sent Matt back in time twice, so there were three of him at once, and they all had Kiki in one scene. Kiki got really turned on by that scene, we had to watch it twice, as she had me go down on her before it finished the first time. She said I should keep my hard on for later. I wondered what she had in mind, she also asked me what I thought of her present, both the video, and the threesome. She did her best to make my idea of the threesome come true, then joked it was a pity I couldn't make the foursome come true for her birthday. She did sound a little strange when she said that.

Later in the day, we were relaxing in the living room, when there was someone at the door. Kiki said she'd get it. Then, I was really surprised when Miss Greenway walked in the living room, and told me, "Matthew, could you come see me after class." Then walked off to Kiki's office. At least it looked like I remembered Miss Greenway.

Kiki sat next to me, and said, "Well, Don't keep Miss Greenway waiting."

I walked to the office, "Miss Greenway" was sitting behind Kiki's desk, I knocked on the door frame and said, "You wanted to see me Miss Greenway?"

She waved me into the office and started a scene where she complained I'd written something inappropriate about her, at least she didn't complain about my spelling like my English teachers would usually do. During the scene, she unzipped me and started blowing me. I ended up sitting on the desk by the time I came in her mouth, so that was what Kiki wanted to do with my hard on. I've said it before, but I'm so lucky being married to Kiki, not only is she the best lover, she'll use the resources of her production house to make scenes like this, and the threesome for me.

After the blow job, Miss Greenway congratulated me on spelling 'cunnilingus' right, "This time." She took that as an excuse to flash her pussy at me, obviously wanting me to go down on her. So I did, I like that at any time, pretending to go down on my eight grade crush was amazing. After that, Miss Greenway left, and Kiki asked me how I enjoyed my present. I was definitely enthusiastic about it.

I woke before Kiki for once, when she did wake up, I presented her with the card I'd gotten her, saying, "Happy Birthday." She opened the card, read it and burst out into gales of laughter. The card I'd gotten her had a cartoon of a schoolgirl standing in front of a board with lots of equations on it. (The equations are mostly nonsense.) A thought bubble is showing the girl is thinking, "Fuck this shit, I'll be a stripper." Inside, I'd had it printed with "I'm glad that worked out for you."

It took a while, but eventually she calmed down. She still had a big grin on her face; she hugged me and kissed me. I think she liked the card. She moved down the bed, and started blowing me. That's always good, but before I got really into it, two of me walked into the room. That was creepy, I assumed she'd found some look alike talent to work on her foursome idea, like she had for the threesome.

One of me lay down next to Kiki. He grabbed her hips and dragged her over to his dick; she ended up impaled on it. The other me, pointed to her head, I knelt at her head; it was a little weird to have the other me staring up at me. She took me into her mouth, and the third me knelt behind her. He had a condom and some lube, and started fucking her ass. "Me two" took up the rhythm, so they were both pounding away at Kiki.

That was fucking hot. Kiki really liked it, I could tell. Unfortunately, it distracted her, so her blow job was not as good as usual. So I grabbed her head and started fucking her mouth; she occasionally would gasp for breaths between strokes. It was one of the most amazing things I've done, all of us pounding away at Kiki in rhythm. She came, and we carried on. I was going to come soon, but I wanted to hold on, but eventually Kiki was coming again, pretty explosively. I started coming, and slumped down on the bed.

I heard the noise of lots of sex, grunting and coming. After that, we had a group hug, and me and the other two started feeling her all over. Kiki really liked that. After a while, me two went down on Kiki. I think it was me two, the other two did look pretty identical. Kiki had done a really good job on finding the look-alikes, no doubt with a little help from the makeup department. I was glad me two volunteered for that, I'm not fond of it after I've come in her, even if it is her birthday. She never asks me to do that (unlike Kennedy, who doesn't tend to ask either, but insists).

Kiki came, and me three went down on her now. I was getting turned on by all this, and so was me two it seemed; he had a hard on. Going down on a pussy with cum in it will do that to me as well. I don't like it, but it is a turn on. After Kiki came again, things quieted down and we had a group hug.

Then me two got off the bed, and waved me to follow. In the living room, me two lead me to what looked like a briefcase on the coffee table. On the briefcase, there was a handwritten note. It looked like my handwriting, really bad. I picked up the note and managed to read what it said, "Novikov says you have to invent this now." It had my signature.

I was just puzzling on that, when me two pressed the button on top of the briefcase. The note had been covering the button, until I picked it up. I felt a bit weird, then the briefcase disappeared. Me two, put his fingers to his lips telling me to be quiet, and walked back towards the bedroom. We stopped in the doorway, and I saw that me three was getting a blowjob, lucky him.

Me two, caught my eye and shook his head. He then pointed at me three, and at me. Then I realized, I was now me two, and the guy on the bed was me ("me one"). We must have gone back in time, the note was telling me that I had to invent the mechanism which had done this to us, or we'd be a paradox. Novikov was a guy who claimed that paradoxes are not possible, therefore, I have to invent the time machine, just like in Kiki's video. I started wondering about that threesome.

Before I could get much further with that line of thinking, me two, who is now me three, pointed to the bed. I walked into the room, lay down on the bed next to Kiki, then grabbed her hips and dragged her onto me. She was really ready for this, sometimes I despair of Kiki, she'll be raging turned on and not tell me. Like she'll do a blowjob on me, instead of telling me I should take care of her pussy instead. Being so ready, I slipped into her easily.

Me one now took up his position above me. That's really freaky, watching yourself get a blow job. It's a bit distracting, him being so close. I didn't want him to flop out of her mouth and bop me on the nose. Then, I felt me three enter Kiki. That was freaky to feel something moving right next to your dick. Knowing it was another dick was freaky, knowing it was my dick made it less freaky.

I tried to pick up me three's rhythm, so we were both pounding away at her. That felt really good, as usual. Knowing there was another dick in there was a turn on. Above me, Kiki's head lolled a bit. Me one got impatient and started fucking her mouth. That's hot, it's always hot to see Kiki get fucked like that, at such close quarters it was a big turn on. Knowing exactly what was going on up there was an even bigger turn on.

Kiki came, we all carried on. Kiki came again, followed immediately by me one coming and flopping off to the side. Me and me three kept up the pounding. Kiki's head lolled, and I could see she was in heaven with our treatment, that was an even bigger turn on than the rest of everything. It pushed me into coming. As I was lying there, I heard more sex, and coming, that was when Kiki collapsed on top of me. I hugged her.

The other two joined in. We all felt all over Kiki, she really liked that. Eventually, I thought I had a predestined job I'd seen me do before. I had to do it, or who knows what would happen, or I just couldn't not do it. That was my excuse anyway, I love being forced to do it, having to do it, or the universe might unravel seemed like force to me. So I went down on her. She tasted like I'd come in her, hardly a surprise there, but it turned me on no end, I got hard in record time, considering I'd already come twice in quick succession.

Kiki came, and me three took over. Kiki came again, and we all hugged. I knew what I had to do, I got up and signaled me one to follow. I went out to the living room; the briefcase was there. Me one picked up the note, uncovering the button. I paused to let me one read the note, and then I pushed the button. The briefcase disappeared, as expected. I put my finger to my lips to tell me one, who's now me two to be quiet. I'm now me three of course.

I walked back to the bedroom, we paused in the doorway, on the bed, me one was getting his blowjob. I held up a finger, me two looked at me. I pointed to me one, and then to me two. Me two obviously caught onto what I was meaning, then I pointed to the bed for him to do his thing. He walked into the room and lay down on the bed, and dragged her hips onto his dick.

I'd walked into the room behind him, I pointed to Kiki's head, and me one took his position at Kiki's mouth. I found a condom and lube in the nightstand and started fucking Kiki's ass. It was weird when me two started moving as well. I could feel his dick just next to mine. I'd just come twice, so it was going to take a little effort to come. I pounded away as hard as I could, so I'd be able to come like this.

I was concentrating on making sure I did come, so I didn't take much notice of the others. But Kiki came, then again, then me one and me two. Finally Kiki came again, just as I was coming with a big grunt. She flopped off the end of my dick, I got a tissue to remove the condom, then I flopped on the bed.

We all rested a bit, then we started the hugging. Me two went down on Kiki, I remembered that was a turn on, and it'd be my turn next. Kiki came, and it was my turn, so I went down on her. I'd come three times already, so it was going to take a lot to turn me back on. Not even going down on a cum filled pussy was enough for that, but I tried to ignore the come and concentrate on the pussy. Licking a pussy is very sensual. Eventually, Kiki came and we all hugged.

The other two left, leaving just me and Kiki. She sighed very contentedly, then asked, "They were all you weren't they?"

"Yup. And both of you were you?" Thinking back to the threesome for my birthday.

"Yup, there was a briefcase with a button and a note from you, telling me not to tell you."

I nodded, "Same here. I told myself I have to invent that now, for Novikov consistency."

She asked, "Any idea how?"

"Not a clue." But then I thought of something, "You know, there was a letter in Modern Physics yesterday which made me think. I should go have a look at that again." I didn't worry about it immediately, we stayed in bed and hugged for a while. That was nice.

When we got to the living room, the briefcase wasn't there, but the note was. I'd put it down when I was me two, before following me three into the bedroom.