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Beach Shack_(0)

2022-04-09 01:00:03

“It isn’t like Hunter to be late” Taylor thought as he settled into the plastic lawn chair obviously brought out of the rain within the hour. “Oh who am I kidding, he’s always late.”

Taylor looked around the small, sparsely furnished beach house he just walked in to. He had never been to Rick’s place before, though he had been to this particular beach many times. The house was a lot like this beach; not too big, rather shabby, and pretty clearly outdated but with a comforting sense of seclusion. Taylor knew it belonged to Rick’s grandparents, and he guessed it hadn’t been refurnished since it was purchased.

The rest of the people there were Hunter’s friends. Hunter was Taylor’s brother. Though Taylor was older, Hunter was taller and better looking, more athletic and more outgoing. Taylor agreed to come down to the beach only because Hunter would be there, and with Hunter there, Taylor felt more at ease.
“Oh well,” he thought “ it’s not like these people are strangers.”

That much was true. Although he was shy, Taylor and Hunter had a lot of similar interests; fishing, swimming, boating; it was only natural they would hang around the same people. Taylor knew everyone else here. Rick was the youngest at 20, and was the one who secured the beach house for the week. He was loud and sometimes obnoxious, but otherwise a good kid. Despite his age he still looked like he was in high school with his straight brown hair swooshed back across his forehead. Beside him there was Micah, a 21 year old who went to the same college as Rick. He was pretty obviously already drunk. His short but stocky form swayed unsteadily as he sought out another beer. Where everyone else was sunburnt, his skin seemed perfectly tan, a nod to his Mexican heritage, and probably liberal use of sunscreen. Becca was Rick’s girlfriend, the same height as Micah, with a kind expression. She was so slightly chubby that no one would ever know were she not sitting laid back on the couch exposing the slightest bulge on her belly. Finally, Liz was sitting next to her. Liz was only a year younger than Taylor, and had a beautiful face and a perfect body.

“Great,” Taylor thought, “Now I have to watch her sniff after my brother all weekend.”

Liz had wanted Hunter since they graduated high school two years earlier. While Hunter couldn’t make it any clearer that he wasn’t interested, that didn’t seem to deter Liz at all. The most infuriating part of it was how easily Hunter resisted her. Taylor couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have pretty girls throwing themselves at you. Taylor wasn’t unattractive. He was as tall as Hunter and only a little heavier, with the same square jaw and stone grey eyes, but he lacked some of Hunter’s confidence, most of his athleticism, and all of his social grace.

As soon as he sat down, Micha was hovering over him, waving a beer in his face. Taylor took it and thanked him, before receiving a stiff handshake and sarcastic welcome from his drunk friend. Taylor drank deeply, and began to settle into the group and wait for Hunter to arrive. The conversation turned from Taylor’s experience in law school, to how Becca and Rick were getting along, to Micha’s bitching about his lack of a sex life. Liz, being the sole single girl there, only rolled her eyes at that last part. Taylor found himself at last settling in. These people weren’t so bad. They were just losers like him, even if they were more outgoing. It was Hunter’s breakfast club, and even if Taylor wasn’t really part of the group, he fit in pretty well. He was still mad at Hunter for not being there before him, but it wasn’t that big of a deal.

It was almost midnight when Hunter finally burst through the door. Immediately the whole group rushed over to greet him, resulting in a now quite drunk Micah tripping over himself and crashing to the floor. The previously quiet gathering turned back into a party as Micah crawled over to the radio and turned up the music.

“Now that the everyone’s here, let’s get some pong going!” shouted Liz

Hunter threw back a couple shots offered to him by Micah then agreed. As Hunter was setting up the cups, Liz positioned herself carefully next to him, indicating she would be on his team. She then indicated the Rick and Taylor should be on the other. Taylor saw what she was doing immediately, even before she offered Hunter another shot. The loser of any game where the winner still had all of their cups was required to run a naked lap, a tradition that varied slightly from group to group, but at this beach meant sprinting the length of the foot path that led from the beach to the house. With Hunter drinking, and Liz intentionally failing she had tipped the odds in favor of her and Hunter running naked together. She chose Rick and Taylor because they were the most sober, and because Taylor’s undergrad school was known for a version of this game.

“Guess she’s starting early this time around.” Taylor thought. That didn’t mean he was going to lose. On the contrary, if Hunter didn’t want to run, he should have picked a different partner.

Unfortunately for Taylor, that was apparently not what she had planned. As it turned out, Rick was terrible at this game and Liz was unbelievably good. By the third round Rick and Taylor were down to one cup, and Liz and Hunter had all of theirs. It was Hunter’s turn and he wasn’t as good as Liz, but he sank the lucky final shot anyway. Typical.

Cries of “Oh you fucked up” and “naked lap!” erupted from everyone in the room, save Rick and Taylor. Taylor swore he saw Becca give Liz a wink, but was too embarrassed to pay much attention. Rick and Taylor glanced at each other and resigned themselves to their fate.

“Well, I’m no bitch, let’s do this” Rick said. Taylor only nodded, half smiling with embarrassment.

“It was pretty funny,” Taylor admitted to himself as he walked down the stair to the front porch and onto the beach. “And if I lost that badly I deserve what’s coming to me.” He had never had to do a naked lap before, but he had dished out plenty of such losses, and wasn’t going to back out when it was his turn.

He and Rick were both in nothing but boxers and a T shirt as they walked to the starting point where the waves hit the sand. The tradition at the beach house was apparently to run from the surf to the front porch before you could put your clothes back on. It was low tide so they would have to run that much further. Typical. Taylor snuck a glance at Rick as they took off their shirts. He was slim but not as fit as he was in high school, and his abs were gone. Still, he was pretty attractive, and strangely hairless despite his age and brown hair. Taylor was actually in better shape than Rick, but heavier with more muscle and a more average build. Like Rick, he seemed almost hairless, but that was because his blonde hair didn’t stand out in the dark of the island night.

Both boys stood with their thumbs in the waist bands of their boxers for a second, hesitatnt to take off the last piece of clothing they had left. Finally they both stared fixedly ahead and slid them down to their ankles. As Taylor bent down to pick his up, he snuck a curious glance at Ricks now completely naked body. His slim form showed his hips pointing down in a v to his buzed but not shaved pubic mound. Below it sat a semi hard five inch cock.

“Why is he hard?” Taylor wondered, even as he felt a strange stirring in his own cock. “Maybe because Becca is watching,”.

Taylor was much bigger than Rick, down there, but even so he was a little embarrassed to take his underwear off and made a point of covering his seven inch semi hard cock with his hands. Before he had enough time to really think, both of them took off running. Hunter had walked down to the surf with them, and loped along behind them laughing and pointing. The rest of the group were at the dunes that marked the halfway point. The path was dark enough that taylor decided to take his hands momentarily off of his crotch to focus on running. However, as soon as he did so he felt a foot under his and tumbled into the sand. Rick, who was following closely behind Taylor, also tripped and fell , resulting in a naked dog pile right in front of the group.

Hunter lept nimbly over the fallen runners and turned back to laugh hysterically. Micah too was laughing uncontrollably, so hard that he nearly collapsed himself. Beccah and Liz however, were just smiling at eachother. For Taylors part, the whole situation was confusing. His knee was scrapped a bit, but the sand had cushioned his fall he was only in a little pain. The other sensations were actually pretty great. He could feel Rick’s legs tangled in his, awkwardly trying to maneuver themselves away from the pile up. He could also feel Ricks cock slide across his back as he pushed himself up. That sent an unfamiliar pang of desire through Taylor, and he rushed to get to the beach house before anyone else could see how hard he was getting.

Luckily Hunter, the only one fast enough to keep up with Taylor, had stopped to laugh with the rest of the group and Taylor made it back well before anyone else. He threw on his pants and tucked his now full erection upwards to prevent any bulge from showing. As soon as he did, Rick came in behind him. Taylor could see he was all the way hard too as he repeated the maneuver, sticking his erection in upwards into his waistband. His face was bright red and he looked a little distressed, but Taylor joked about his “tic tac pecker’ and both of them were able to laugh the encounter off.

After the laughter had died down, the rest of the night was fairly quiet. Rick and Taylor sat carefully away from eachother though they tried not to make it obvious. It wasn’t long till it was time for everyone to turn in. There were only two rooms in the beachouse. One was shared by Hunter and Micah with two twin beds, the other was occupied by Rick and Becca. Liz had already claimed the only couch in the living room. All of that was fine by Taylor. On his camping expedtiions with his brother he had slept in plenty of terrible places and was fine with the floor of Micha’s room. Looking in the room however, he saw that wasn’t going to be possible. The two twin beds and a dresser took up most of the floor space in the cramped room.

“You can sleep in our room,” Becca said slyly. “ I’ll be sure to stay between you and Rick so you don’t get too worked up over eachother. “

Hunter laughed out loud at that, with the others joining suit. Taylor too laughed it off. Inside, however, he wondered how closely Becca was paying attention to their earlier naked lap together. Maybe she saw what he felt, and what Rick at least seemed to feel.

“ Thanks, but I think I’ll just sleep in the hammock on the back porch, since it’s such a nice night.” He said out loud.

“Suit yourself,” Becca said, “But if you change your mind I know I’d be happy to have you.”

She ended her response with a wink. Only, it didn’t look like a joking wink to Tyalor, more like an actual flirty wink. Things were starting to add up to the point where he couldn’t keep dismissing them. Still, he took his blanket and pillow and walked out to the porch without saying anything else. Whatever these crazy bitches were up to he could deal with it in the morning. Exhausted, he lay in the warm night air and drivered off to sleep, hammock swaying steadily back and forth with the breeze.

The next morning, Taylor woke up early despite the late night before. The sun had crept up to his sleeping spot on the screened in back porch, and would soon make it unbearably hot. Even though he hadn’t gotten much sleep, Taylor was happy to be awake on the beach, and ready to start the day. He walked through the house and made a quick cup of coffee before moving to the front porch, which would be shaded from the rising sun. There, to his surprise, he found Becca sitting with her own cup of coffee and a book.

“You’re up early.” Taylor told her.

“So are you. I’ve only been out here a few minutes, its hard to sleep when there is so much to do.”

“I know exactly what you are talking about, “ Taylor responded. “ but knowing my brother, we won’t get out to the beach until noon.”

“ Rick’s the same way.” Becca said. “He probably won’t be up till after Hunter even. Which is bullshit because he’s the one who kept me up all last night.” She smiled a bit at that last part. “I haven’t seen him that horny in a long time.”

The change in direction in the conversation took Taylor aback for a second, but it wasn’t like sex was an irregular topic of conversation in the group. Taylor knew that he had been really horny last night after the naked lap. He wondered if Rick was so turned on for the same reason he was. At least he could do something about it. Short of jacking off on the back porch in front of the next row of houses, Taylor just had to bear it. Not taking care of that had already put him on edge, and even this discussion was turning him on a little bit.

“Glad to hear ya’lls sex life survived past the one year mark.” Taylor joked by way of response.

“Only just.” Becca replied. “Honestly it just hasn’t been as great recently. It’s only about once a month now, and I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to. We are kind of thinking about changing things up a bit, see if we can make it exciting again. . . . “

Before she could finish her thought Hunter, shockingly early for him, burst through the door. With a booming “what’s up?”. In place of coffee, he had a beer in one hand and a tshirt he hadn’t yet bothered to put on in the other. Becca took an extra second to look at Hunter’s shirtless body, before striking up a totally different conversation with both of them.

Despite the earlier predictions it wasn’t long before the others woke up, Micah being the last on the porch. With everyone finally stirring around, it didn’t take long to reach the consensus that they needed to go to the beach. Even though there were only two bathrooms, it didn’t take long for everyone to rotate through and change into their swimsuits. Taylor noted with satisfaction that both of the girls had chosen fairly skimpy outfits. He was sure the other boys shared his opinion.

The beach was great, as it always was. Unfortunately it was also always hot. Laying out under the sun felt great for about an hour, but it was soon too hot to stay out that long, and it was soon decided that a swim would do them good. Taylor and Hunter were both strong swimmers, and both were eager for some movement after the slow lazy morning; Hunter, because he could never stand still for very long under any circumstances, and Taylor to let out some of the nervous energy still lingering after his conversation with Becca. Together, they swam out past the breakers as the rest of the group waded in the shallows and splashed in the surf.

After burning off most of their energy, Hunter and Taylor swam back towards shore. Halfway there, they met Rick and Becca. The two had been a bit more adventurous than Micah and Liz, both of whom were sitting in thigh deep water; Micah nursing his hangover and Liz doing her best to aggravate his headache. They circled up in the deeper water. Hunter and Taylor could both stand comfortably, but the shorter two had to tread water. Rick was holding Becca as best as he could while still trying not to sink. Hunter mimicked him by jumping into Taylor’s arms. Taylor responded by plunging him down to the bottom. On land Hunter would have kicked Taylor’s ass, but in the water Taylor had the advantage. When they both came up coughing and laughing, Micah cried out across the distance that Hunter was a “lil Bitch.” Hunter immediately responded by taking off in Micah’s direction.

The three remaining swimmers chuckled and circled back up. Without Hunter the conversation returned to a normal, more relaxed pace. They waded- floated along the quiet sandy beach, talking about everything from school to fishing. The peace and quiet was only temporarily interrupted as Tanner caught up to Micah and threw him screaming into the surf before the two of them limped off presumably to bother Liz. After turning back from the commotion, Becca calmly said,

“So anyway as I was saying before your brother interrupted us this morning, Rick and I are talking about a way to get some excitement back into our sex life and our experience last night gave me an idea.”

Taylor was sure his mouth was hanging open as he listened to her. He glanced from her to Rick, who was turning red and looking intently at a bit of sea weed as it drifted by them.

“Rick, you promised you weren’t going to be a little bitch about this just this morning.” Becca chided. Turning back to Taylor she continued, “anyway, Liz, Rick and I came up with a plan. It was supposed to just happen but after you didn’t take the bait last night (after Rick threw himself on top of you when I tripped you) I decided I should just come out and ask.”

“Ask what?” Taylor asked cautiously. He was becoming very aware of just how close Becca was drifting towards him.

“To fuck both of us,” Becca replied. “ isn’t it obvious? I mean come on I thought you were supposed to be the smart one.”

“Rick, you were in on this all along?” Taylor asked, turning from Becca.

“Yeah, I mean it was pretty obvious.” Rick replied. “We were both rock hard by the end of the run and laying naked on top of you felt pretty good. But I wouldn’t really say it was all along. It was just Becca and Liz’s plan until last night. After we had the best sex in months she brought it up to me. I couldn’t really argue with her. Even thinking about you in the mix made it better.”

“What do you think?” Becca interjected.

“Well,” Taylor answered, trying to stay collected, “I kind of agree with Rick. I can’t really argue that I didn’t feel something last night. And Becca, you’re my type anyway… yeah, I’m in.”

Becca smiled, and Rick looked equal parts nervous and excited. The tension between the three of them was palpable. Taylor tried his best to defuse the situation.

“Why couldn’t you have told me this last night? I couldn’t even jack off without giving the neighbors a show.” It was meant as a joke, but apparently he didn’t make that clear.

“I’m sorry,” said Rick being completely. “Do you want me to….”

Although he was apparently too shy to finish his sentence, he moved towards Taylor anyway as if to get in position before he changed his mind. Both of them were now in water where they could touch, but were still far away from the sand and facing out to the ocean. With a look of curious determination he positioned himself next to Taylor and slid his right hand under his bathing suit. Taylor was shocked for a second, but quickly regained his composure. The hand cradling his rapidly stiffening cock felt a little awkward but really good. He couldn’t see what was going on under the turbid water, but he imagined from the position of Rick’s shoulder that he was playing with himself too.

That was, until Becca floated next Rick opposite from Taylor. His shoulder went from indicating he had his left hand on his own cock to indicating it was rubbing Becca’s clit. All of this was making Taylor crazy. He wanted more than anything to reach into Rick’s swim suit, but his treading against the current and holding Rick and Becca’s waist was the only thing the whole group from separating. He could feel himself getting harder and harder as Rick went from gently fondling to wrapping his whole hand around Taylor’s cock. Then, just as he really started moving up and down and hitting a rhythm with both of hands, Becca started shaking, her orgasm apparently coming before Taylor’s. She bit her lip and looked determinately out to sea, obviously trying to keep quiet.

Seeing her got Taylor closer and he could tell it excited Rick too. Before the job could get done, however, Becca gently grabbed Rick’s right arm and pulled it up from Taylor’s pants.

“I need you both on edge for tonight.” She said.

With that, she led Rick towards shore. Taylor, now horny has he had ever been, with a raging erection, and tense from the experience, went back to swimming along the shore. He swam almost a quarter mile up the beach and then back to the group before he felt like he had worked out enough of his tension to swim back to shore. Rick and Becca were laying on their stomachs next to each other, soaking up the sun. Although, Taylor noticed, Rick’s hands were clenched as if he too were a bit tense about the whole situation.
The rest of the afternoon passed slowly and without much incidence. Micah eventually overcame his hangover and decided to start drinking again. Hunter was giving Liz more than the usual attention, but it was fairly obvious to everyone he was teasing her. Both of them too, had started drinking. Between the alcohol and the heat, it wasn’t too long before everyone decided to go back to the house.

Once there, they all sat around the coffee table for a few minutes, assessing sunburn and making plans for the evening. Hunter suggested a night fishing expedition for shark; mostly an excuse to get drunk on the beach at night. Everyone agreed, but with the condition that there be a nap beforehand. Sun, drinks, and an early morning made this seem like a great option, even to Becca, Rick, and Taylor who were still sober. After agreeing on the new plan, Micah and Hunter moved into their bedroom and Liz stretched out on her couch.
Taylor moved to grab his pillow and blanket and head out to his hammock. Becca interrupted him.

“It’s way too hot for that. You can sleep on the floor in our room.” She said. Liz shot a knowing glance to Becca before snuggling into the cushions. Taylor nodded uncertainly before following them into the bedroom.
Once in, Becca closed the door behind them. Rick was sitting on the bed in his underwear and a Tshirt, looking expectantly at the other two.

“Do you think we have time to play around, or are you two too tired?” Becca said.

“I think we have time.” Taylor responded, a bit more confidently this time.
“Besides, we really do owe your boyfriend for this afternoon.”

Becca nodded, and eagerly walked over to Rick, straddled him on the bed, and began kissing him hard. Rick began grinding his crotch against hers as he slid off her shorts and took off her shirt leaving just a bra and lacy panties. Taylor worked up his courage and sat on the bed behind Rick. Becca looked up from her kiss, and noticing Taylor’s face behind Rick, leaned in and kissed Taylor. Rick moved to kissing her neck and chest, working his way towards his girlfriend’s nipples as she made out with the man sitting behind him.
Taylor was loving all of it, and losing more and more of his inhibitions every second. As Becca broke off her kiss with him to go back to her boyfriend, he reached around and grabbed her ass. He rubbed his hand down it, ending at her thighs before he reached under her and began playing with Rick’s cock. He’d never felt anyone else’s before, but it felt good. He slipped his hand under the boxers and flipped his prize out of their prison. He felt the hard but smooth warm member in his hand and started making the up and down motion he had done on himself since puberty.

He alternated playing with Rick’s cock and rubbing his fingers along the length of Becca’s slit. He could feel she was getting wet even through her panties. She carefully slid them off and took off her bra. Rick took the second she was off of him to undress as well. Taylor found himself absently rubbing Rick’s chest and grinding gently against his back as Becca remounted. Carefully, Taylor reached back down to Rick’s cock and held it against Becca’s slit. He used his fingers to push into her gently, finding the hole as she moaned softly. Then, he pushed Rick’s cock into her and she slid down it. Becca began riding him up and down, moaning a little more and going a little faster each second.
Taylor held her ass and helped her thrust up and down. He also found himself rubbing his cock through his shorts.

“Take it out,” Rick said, noting what Taylor was doing. “I want to see it.”
Taylor, initially unaware he was even playing with himself, paused for a second. Then he hesitantly took off his shorts and underwear, letting his cock flop free. He wasn’t huge, but at eight inches it was the largest Rick or Becca had ever seen, judging by the way they both looked hungrily at it. Before he knew what was happening, Becca had climbed off Rick, who turned around and pushed Taylor onto the bed so he was laying on his back. Becca climbed on Taylor and Rick helped guide Taylor’s cock into his girlfriend. Becca gasped as she slid down the unfamiliar cock too fast, then regained her composure and began grinding against Taylor, keeping his cock as deep in her as she could.

For a minute Rick just watched. Already warmed up from Rick, Becca didn’t take long to cum. She clenched her thighs and began moaning. Taylor felt her cunt tense up and her body begin to shake. She paused for a long moment, then began grinding again. It was then Taylor noticed Rick’s cock next to his face, still wet with Becca’s juices. Taylor didn’t hesitate. He took the whole thing in his mouth as far as he could fit it. He sucked off every bit of Becca. Then he started tasting salty pre cum. Rick must have been close too. That was good because the deep rhythmic grinding and Becca’s tight pussy were going to make him cum soon.

“Cum with me baby,” Becca pleaded to Rick, who nodded and began to hump Taylor’s face.

As soon as Becca started moaning, Rick’s cock stopped moving. Taylor felt Becca tense again. She was cumming on his cock and Rick was cumming in his mouth. It was too much. It felt incredible giving two people so much pleasure at the same time.

“You might want to get off,” Taylor told Becca after he had swallowed down the last or Rick's cum. “I’m getting pretty close.”
Becca climbed slowly off of him, savoring the feeling of his cock sliding out of her inch by inch. She sat against the head board and looked at Rick.

“Okay baby, finish him.” She said as she spread her legs, watching intently and rubbing her clit.

Rick moved over to Taylor’s cock, and with a little hesitation, took the whole thing in his mouth. Taylor was in heaven. The boy was licking his girlfriend off Taylor’s dick, one inch at a time. Becca was about to make herself cum again watching the two of them. In the heat of the moment, Taylor grabbed Rick’s long brown hair and shoved his head down on his cock. Rick didn’t resist, and even showed his approval by groaning and caressing Taylor’s thigh. Within a minute Taylor felt his body tense. He didn’t know if Rick would be okay with cum in his mouth, but he didn’t warn Taylor and Taylor really didn’t want the cute guy to take his mouth off his cock. Especially not in that moment. So, Taylor just moaned as he finally got to cum after nearly 24 hours of being teased. He could feel spurt after spurt coming from his cock, but Rick didn’t even flinch.

After he was done, Rick wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and kissed Becca as she made herself climax one more time. Then the three of them simply collapsed.

“Well, I’m going to take a nap before Hunter wakes up and we have to do shit again.” Becca said.

The other two nodded their agreement.

“But before we fall asleep I think we need to set a couple ground rules for this weekend, Taylor.” She continued. Taylor nodded again.

“Rule number one, you sleep in here the rest of the weekend. Rule number two, there are no clothes allowed in this bed. Rule number three, everything Rick does to me, you do to me. Rule number four, everything Rick does to me, you do to him.”

Taylor smiled and nodded a third time.

“Good,” Becca concluded. And both she and Rick laid their heads on Taylor’s chest before drifting off to sleep.